by ADMIN | Jun 23, 2018 | Uncategorized

Get great results with Decorator Tips and Guidelines:
- Choose a paint color last. There are thousands of paint colors with various tints, tones and shades –and each one looks different from home to home, because light sources vary. Select a color that best complements your upholstery, artwork, rug and accessories. Consider monochromatic colors so you stay within the same color scheme.
- Give your furniture some breathing room. Gracious living means space to maneuver with ease. Resist overcrowding a room. Augment existing furniture pieces with new complimentary furnishings where needed.
- Hang artwork at the right height. Well I’ve seen artwork too high and too low. There is a relationship between furniture pieces that exist in every furniture grouping. Consider hanging artwork 6 to 8” above it’s complimentary furniture piece.
- Anchor your space with a rug. Know how to arrange furniture on the rug. There are basically three ways you can arrange furniture on a rug. All On (All furniture pieces are on the rug. It’s ideal to leave 12 to 18 inches of floor surface on all four sides of the rug’s borders), All Off (If you have a small room, keeping all legs off the rug is a great cost-effective choice) or Front On (Put just the front feet of all your seating pieces on the rug to tie the arrangement together visually and create a well-defined).
- Create a focal point. The object that draws a viewer’s attention to a specific design That could be a built-in object, hanging artwork or another feature in the room. Create a focal point in the design that will be an eye-catching feature that stands out, distinct from the rest of the design elements.
For more design tips and postings…check back to view our blog.
by ADMIN | Jun 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
Do you have a Decorating Dilemma?
Are you looking for an idea and the best way to start your decorating project?
…You may have just moved into a new home and you are not sure where to start. Or
…You have too many selections that you like and it’s confusing. Or
…You are not sure which items to remove and which ones to keep.
We’ve found at times that decorating choices can be intimidating, so we’ve pulled together a few ideas for you to consider to help you find inspiration for your next decorating project.
Start with your favorite thing…something that catches your eye, like a favorite fabric swatch, artwork or color combination that you can make a reality. Then use this inspiration piece to complete the entire room.

When you decorate any room, start with some kind of inspiration. Collect ideas as you travel to favorite places; out of state attractions, a Caribbean vacation, favorite antique stores, local home shows, and builder models offer inspiration. While traveling you may find special items that you may use in the future decorating projects or layer in the new pieces into an existing design and your room will evolve over time. Have fun…it’s all about creating your own style!
by ADMIN | Jun 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Do you know what’s going on in the staging industry at a local and national level? Find out where to get statistics that give you a window into home staging and how you can use these numbers to bring in more business. Staging a home is a great way to lead in the home sale market. Your homes will out shine its competitors!
In NAR’s
2017 Profile of Home Staging, 39 percent of seller’s agents said staging a home “greatly” decreases the amount of time a home stays on the market, and 77 percent of buyer’s agents said a staged listing makes it easier for buyers “to visualize the property as their future home.”

Further, the 2017 NAR Report states the most commonly staged spaces are the living room (83%), kitchen (76%), master bedroom (69 %) and the dining room (66%). Twenty-nine percent of respondents said these changes increased the home’s final selling price by 1 to 5%, and 21 % said the home’s final selling price increased by 6 to 10%.
The 2017 NAR Report states “Realtors know how important it is for buyers to be able to picture themselves living in a home and, according to NAR’s most recent report, staging a home makes that process much easier for potential buyers,” said NAR President William E. Brown in a statement.
Review the facts and incorporate into your marketing plan!
by ADMIN | Jun 6, 2018 | Uncategorized

We’re seeing floral patterns everywhere!
If you want to update a room, add a floral fabric strip to neutral curtains, a few toss pillows and finish with complimentary artwork.
Voilà, a new redesign!
by ADMIN | May 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
The attendees of last week’s Wine and Redesign session shared wonderful ideas. Starting with an inspiration piece they found the right colors, fabrics and styles to create a ‘style file’ that will assist with their next design project. Thanks for joining us!