3 Day Home Staging Course

Learn the key elements to stage a home to sell vs. decorating a home to dwell. Don’t assume the same decorating principles apply to the listed home. From furniture placement to accessorizing…there is a difference. The class incorporates classroom time with field work in a variety of homes to hone your skills.
- FEE: Check the Schedule for fees- Secure your Seat with a $600 Deposit, balance of $1195 is due 1 week before class
- OPTIONAL: Class size limited
- WHO: Interior Decorators, Interior Designers, Redesigners, Stagers, Interior Rearrangers, Color Consultants, Drapery Workrooms, DIY Decorators, and others
- WHAT: Intensive 3 Day Class involving both classroom and field work in actual homes
- WHERE: Locations vary with instructor
- PREREQUISITES: Love for creating beautiful rooms for Selling and Dwelling
- DESIGNATIONS: Home Staging Certifications
Course Fee: $1795
Enrollment & Deposit ($600) Due 30 days prior to class start date.
Balance ($1195) Due 7 days prior to class start date.
- ACTION™ System –The DSA Numerical Scoring System
- The What, How, and Why of Staging
- Staging with a Decorator’s Eye
- Ten Steps to a Perfect Staging
- Selling Point versus Focal Point
- Selling Wall, Floors, Windows, and Doors
- Perception versus Reality
- Color and Staging
- Client, Realtor, and FSBO Relationships
- Writing Staging Proposals
- Contracts and Pricing
- Benefits of Realtor and Zillow.com
- Staging in the Zone™
- Overcoming Objections with Placement
- Tablescapes, Bookshelves, and Rugs
- The Art of Smart Accessorizing
- Tools to make your Job Easier and Safer
- Building a Portfolio-Photography Tips
- Hands-on in homes
- How to Build an Inventory
- Implementing the Shopping List Form
- Creating the Perfect Shopping List
- Pros and Cons of Wholesale and Retail Shopping
- And More
CLASS AGENDA-Business and Marketing
- Business Start-up Guide- licenses, tax id, insurance
- Naming your Business
- Identifying your Target market
- Pricing your Services
- Fitting your Business to your Lifestyle
- Additional Revenue Streams
- Credentials and Certifications
- Marketing through Credibility versus Visibility
- Press Releases, Blogs, Websites, Branding
- Kindred Spirit Marketing
- Presentations that Rock and Attract Clients
- Advertising-Free, How to Attract Media Exposure- Print Advertising
Ready to get started?
Get in touch, or view scheduled classes.